Members of the Volunteer Charles Carrigan Cumann (32csm) lay a wreath for Oglach Patsy Duffy in Derry at the week end.
Monday, 28 January 2013
March For Justice 2013, Successful March
The Volunteer Charles Carrigan Cumann of the 32csm would like to thank the Republicans of Derry for their kind hospitality over the week end. Members of the cumann travelled from Scotland for the "March for Justice" which was held in the city, nearly 41 years to the day in which innocent civil rights marchers were cut down by a regiment of the british army in cold blood.
To this day the family and friends of those murdered are waiting for justice and attribution of guilt to individuals. They claim they will not rest until this had been delivered, We the Vol. Charles Carrigan Cumann will support them until that very day.
The march itself was a great success with various groups, Republican, socialists, human rights and solidarity (Basque Region & Palestine) coming together to offer solidarity and joining the "One Call for Justice"
Until the end!
Volunteer Charles Carrigan Cumann
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
Walk for Irish P.O.W's 2013
The Volunteer Charles Carrigan Cumann will undertake the task that is "The West Highland Way Walk" this summer in aid of Irish Republican Prisoners. The Walk is pencilled in for the first week of July with members starting preparations this week.
The cumann have previously taken up the challenge and completed the walk in 2011, We understand and appreciate what efforts are required, Cumann members who took part in the walk in 2011 said that it was difficult and challenging but nothing compared to what their comrades endure on a daily basis in Gaols throughout the 32 counties and abroad.
Things have changed little in the 2 years with Irish Republicans interned in Gaols and victimised out of them. With this walk the cumann hope to raise funds for prisoners and equally importantly awareness to their plight and the Republican cause in general.
The Cumann ask anyone who is in the position donate do so via PAYPAL or in person to any cumann member.
The PAYPAL address for donations -
We ask that you select the gift option when donating and state "POW Walk" in message box.
Anyone interested in supporting or joining the cumann on the walk can contact
All Welcome.
Beir Bua!
Bloody Sunday Commemoration Glasgow (Pictures)

The Vol.Charles Carrigan Cumann (32csm) attended the Bloody Sunday commemoration on Sunday in Glasgow and would like to congratulate the organisers and all those who took to the streets in remembrance of the people murdered by the british parachute regiment on the streets of Derry in 1972.
Next Sunday the 27th will see the March for Justice in Derry and Representatives of the cumann will be in attendance, We would ask all that can attend, do so and help insure the same excellent turn out as previous years.Sunday, 20 January 2013
Successful Picket, Glasgow - 19th Jan' 2013
The Volunteer Charles Carrigan Cumann of the 32 County Sovereignty Movement held a successful picket yesterday at Celtic Park, As usual the picket was welcomed by most supporters with many enquiring about the situation and conditions of Irish Republicans locked up in british and free state gaols.
It is clear for the members of the cumann that this regular information picket is one of the only sources of information the people of Glasgow have on getting up to date information, this is due to the high rate of censorship by the media outlets in Scotland.
The ethos of the cumann is to spread the message far and wide and let as many people know the current situation of Irish men and Irish Women locked up and the men and women who suffer harassment and intimidation in the so called democratic freedom of the streets in the 26 and 6 counties. The cumann will not be silenced and will bring to the fore this incidents and ongoing situations.
We would also echo the call for Irish Republicans of glasgow and wider areas to make a date and join us on future pickets, In essence these pickets are YOUR way of supporting the POWs, getting involved and playing your part. Attending, promoting and standing in solidarity for the brave men and women goes further and raises awareness significantly more than clicking a like button or making a comment on internet and social media sites.
Keep with our new blog for news regarding the Volunteer Charles Carrigan Cumann and for dates and times of upcoming pickets and events.
They are in there for us, Lets be out here for them.
Slán agus beannacht
Monday, 14 January 2013
March For Justice (Bloody Sunday) Glasgow 2013
The Vol.Charles Carrigan Cumann (32csm) will show their support for the "March for Justice" this Sunday the 20th of January in Glasgow.
When - Sunday 20th January 2013 @1pm
Where - Assemble Garnock Street, Glasgow
Contact -
Join us and Support the call for Justice.
P.O.W Picket - Sat 19th Jan
The Vol.Charles Carrigan Cumann (32csm) will be holding an information picket and leaflet drop this coming Saturday the 19th January. The picket is to highlight the on-going internment and harassment of Irish Republicans and will take place on the road leading to Celtic park from the gallowgate from 1.30pm. Groups, Independent Republicans, flags and banners welcome!
We Look forward to seeing you!
When - Saturday 19th January 2013 @ 1.30pm
Where - Gallowgate approach to Celtic Park
Contact -
Sunday, 13 January 2013
People have every right to film the police
People have every right to film the police
The volunteer Charles Carrigan Cumann (32csm) would like to condemn the recent actions of 2 police officers in Scotland who have been reprimanded for acting beyond the law.
The incidents in Glasgow and Edinburgh were recently highlighted by members of the public and show officers from Strathclyde and Lothian/Borders Police harassing, man handling and smashing the 2 innocent - members of the public's phones.
The cumann call on all members of the public to report such treatment at the hands of the police to
We will In turn advise and if necessary direct you to an appropriate legal service.
Know Your Rights!
Friday, 11 January 2013
2013, A continued effort from 32csm Scotland
2012 saw the Charles Carrigan Cumann (32csm) highlight Irish Republican issues in Scotland, to the Scottish people. The issues were mainly centred around the systematic abuse by the British government and British security services on Irish men and women.
Sadly today in 2013 we are still talking about the abuses of power that we condemned 12 months ago, the "usual suspects" are still targeted, harassed, intimidated and interned.
The protests and pickets that were held in 2012 at venues in Glasgow city centre, BBC & local radio/TV stations and at Celtic Park will continue with activists more determined to highlight the dirty work of the British and Pro-British institutions.
The fans of Celtic Football club have welcomed our "Information" Pickets where members of the 32csm Scotland bring the news that local and indeed international media plead ignorance to or wont mention, The material handed out is designed to be informative and give the receiver some indication of the challenges facing Irish Republicans today in Ireland and abroad.
The pickets at Celtic Park will continue in 2013 and we hope to see the support we have received in the previous years, Everyone has their own particular part to play.
Contact the Cumann
32 County Sovereignty Movement New Year Statement
32 County Sovereignty Movement New Year Statement
The 32 County Sovereignty Movement sends New Year greetings to all our members and supporters at home and abroad, imprisoned comrades, republican comrades and fellow organisations.
There is political violence in Ireland, not because a particular flag is flown at certain times, but because the wrong flag is flown at all. There is political violence in Ireland because the so called peace process failed to address this core issue of national sovereignty. Restricting the flying of the Union flag in no way restricts what it represents; British claims to sovereignty over part of Ireland. That is what the Good Friday Agreement secured.
To resolve the conflict in Ireland we must address the question of sovereignty. This cannot happen in Stormont because the issue is beyond its remit. The democratic deficit inherent in partition can only be rectified with the ending of partition. Hiding behind spurious votes to sanitise British occupation, and Free State indifference, merely perpetuates the conflict.
Agreement amongst the people of Ireland as to how we should govern ourselves is a matter for ourselves alone. Only the deluded or the politically outmanoeuvred can accept the British as a neutral bystander. There is no neutrality in internment by remand. There is no neutrality in the abuses in Maghaberry and there is no neutrality in the ongoing abuse against republican Marian Price.
We once again put the challenge to the British Government: if you are truly neutral then withdraw your claim of sovereignty, allow for a new dialogue to commence on this issue, devoid of vetoes, and allow us to write Emmet’s epitaph.
2013 is a preparatory year for 2016. The 32 County Sovereignty Movement once again reiterates that a unified republican base is the most potent way to honour the centenary of the 1916 Rebellion. The Easter Rising was in itself an exercise in republican unity; it can and must be done. Visions, however diverse, for a future sovereign Ireland cannot be used as preconditions against securing that sovereignty.
We bring to this process our United Nations Submission as a political alternative that all republicans can embrace without any surrender of principle. Republican unity is an exercise in pooling principles and strategies, to remove the common impediment, to all our future visions for our country and our people.
The vitriol railed against us in the establishment media is a measure of how much they fear our political message. That is why they try to criminalise and demonise us in the absence of their ability to counter our political view. We call on all republicans to confront this vitriol with calm and rational discourse as the surest way to prevail. The changing nature of mass media allows us an unprecedented opportunity to propagate the republican analysis. Let us do it wisely
Wednesday, 9 January 2013
Fáilte go dtí Vol.Charles Carrigan Cumann Blog!

Fáilte go dtí Vol.Charles Carrigan Cumann Blog! This blog will keep you up to date with the on-going work the cumann do in Scotland and a far.Check back for further information and updates.
The Cumann can be contacted via email ;
Tuesday, 8 January 2013
Vounteer Charles Carrigan
Charles Carrigan was born in Glasgow of Irish parents. He came to Dublin a few months before the Rising. He possessed rare mental gifts and managed while working at his trade as a tailor to attend night classes. He became proficient in French and Latin, and also studied Irish. At 16 years of age he was President of the United Irish League in Denny Stirlings. He returned to Glasgow and was much in demand as a lecturer on literary subjects. He severed his connection with the U.I.L. and joined Sinn Fein. He was also an enthusiastic Gaelic Leaguer. About a year before the Rising he returned to Ireland , and came to live in Dublin . He was killed while fighting in Henry Street , on April 28th, which, by a sad coincidence, was his thirty-fourth birthday. He fell beside The O'Rahilly and is buried in the 1916 plot in St Paul 's Glasnevin.
On Easter Sunday, March 31st 1929 , in the presence of several thousand people, the Easter memorial was unveiled by Frank Ryan, then O/C Dublin Brigade, I.R.A.. Before the ceremony, the people had marched from the city in procession with six bands to play them on their way.
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